Protection of Rights
Without Borders NGO

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Training workshop on the topic “Strategic planning of organization”

The staff member of “Protection of Rights Without Borders” NGO Shoghine Soghomonyan participated in three-day training workshop on the topic “Strategic Planning of Organization” on July 17-20, 2014 in Tbilisi.

Eighteen representatives of NGOs and civic initiatives from Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan participated in the training.

The training addressed the following issues: analysis of the capacity of the organization in question, defining the organization’s needs, goals and objectives, strategy planning, financial planning and evaluation of the organization activities, design of a competitive project and budget, as well as skills in the field of work and cooperation with media outlets and journalists for advocacy and presentation of the organization in social networks.
“Protection of Rights Without Borders” NGO encourage the organization of such kind of events and values importance of providing new knowledge to the civil society representatives.