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Observations and Recommendations on the RA Draft Law on “Republic of Armenia Fact-Finding Commission” and other Related Draft Laws

The draft law on “Republic of Armenia Fact-Finding Commission” was elaborated by the Republic of Armenia Ministry of Justice on May 26 of 2020.

The Open Society Foundations – Armenia elaborated relevant observation and recommendation package on the draft law, which related to the main functions and authorities of the Fact-Finding Commission, the order of the nomination of the Commission member, as well as to a number of provision of the new draft law.

The document was elaborated by the following organizations and entities:

•           Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center

•           The Open Society Foundations – Armenia

•           Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly-Vanadzor

•           Protection of Rights without Borders NGO

 •          Law Development and Protection Foundations

•           Karen Tumanyan, Advocate

•           Robert Revazyan, Advocate

Observations and Recommendations on the RA Draft Law on “Republic of Armenia Fact-Finding Commission” and other Related Draft Laws