Summary of the observation results of the election of candidate for the chairman of the Anti-Corruption Committee
On January 20, 2025, the interview stage of the competition
Hasmik Harutyunyan, legal expert of the Protection of Rights without Borders NGO participated in the discussion on “Fight against Corruption for Sustainable Development Goals” as a speaker (5:57:52).
The current main problems related to the informative freedom, access to information, as well as issues reslated to the investigation of cases on freedom of experssion and violation of rights of journalists and civil society representatives were raised during the panel discussion.
Hasmik Harutyunyan made a reference to the mass systematic human rights violation during the peaceful assemblies dated June 23 of 2015, July 17-30 of 2016, April 16-30 of 2018 respectively, within the scope of which, more than 300 citizens were involved in the instituted criminal cases as accussed.
As mentioned by Hasmik Harutyunyan, during the peaceful assemblies and demondstrations, the policemen and the unonimous citizens in civilian clothes used violence against the participants of the peaceful assemblies, through the use of excessive force, detention, subjecting the latter to ill treatment, keeping them longer than as prescribed by law, hindering the implementation of the professional activities of journalists, using special measures, etc.
Within the scope of the given three cases respectively, the preliminary investigative bodies in charge of conducting the above mentioned cases received decisions, according to which the criminal cases instituted within the scope of the mentioned cases were discontinued and restrated.
Hasmik Harutyunyan informed, that due to the lack of feedback by the relevant law enforecement bodies, judiciary, the Organization, within the scope of the mentioned cases, filed a complaint-application to the President of the RA National Assembly, RA Parliament fractions, RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Protection of Human Rights and Public Affairs and Standing Committee on Economic Affairs respectively, Republic of Armenia Human Rights Defender, RA Government.
The Organization recommended to organize parliamentary hearings on the gross human rights violations, systematic violations and effecient protection opportunities for the citizens who suffered as a result of the mentioned violations.
Harutyunyan recorded, that there is impunitive atmosphere in Armenia related to the gross human rights violations, which enables to make new human rights violations in future.
On January 20, 2025, the interview stage of the competition
On behalf of the undersigned civil society organizations, we welcome
Over two dozen Armenian human rights NGOs and individual defenders
Coalition for the ICC The Coalition for the International Criminal