Protection of Rights
Without Borders NGO

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📘Report on “The Monitoring for the Qualification of the Judge Candidates in the Criminal and Administrative Specializations”

Protection of Rights without Borders NGO has been conducted a monitoring on the qualification exams of the judge candidate during the months of April and May of 2019.

Based on the conducted monitoring, a report on “The Monitoring for the Qualification of the Judge Candidates in the Criminal and Administrative Specializations”.

The gaps of the written and oral examination and other problems related to the confirmation of the final list were raised in the outcomes of the oral and written stages of the exams.

The Organization also presented the following concrete recommendations in regard to the recorded observations, including the following sectors:

  • announcement for the qualification exams,
  • physical presence of the judge candidates in the exam room before and after the exams,
  • insurance of the technical issues of the examination in the Judicial Department,
  • timing and the complexity of the exam tasks,
  • examination committee,
  • closed examples of the exam tasks,
  • criteria and the checklist for the assessment.

Report on “The Monitoring for the Qualification of the Judge Candidates in the Criminal and Administrative Specializations”