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The Discussion on the Topic «Judicial Reforms in Armenia» was Organized on June 25 of 2019

The Discussion on the Topic «Judicial Reforms in Armenia» was Organized on June 25 of 2019

Haykuhi Harutyunyan, the President of the Protection of Rights without Borders NGO participated in the dicussion as a speaker.

«While deciding the deadline for the application of the transitional justice, we should take into account that, we as an independent Republic of Armenia are talking after the Soviet Union. Republic of Armenia as a post soviet country, has already failed that meand, which would destroy the communism influence on the establishment procedure of state institutions» – mentioned Haykuhi Harutyunyan, the President of the Protection of Rights without Borders NGO during the discussion on the topic «What kind of structure shall the transitional justice institutions have in Armenia and which are their activity deadlines?».

According to Haykuhi Harutyunyan, after the independence of Armenia, the ill situation of the country bacame a corrupted policy enviroment, which created a pyramid governance system, where the relations are developed for the protection of group interests.

«That system served the people at the top of the pyramid through different mechanisms. The state institutions were of formal nature. At least until 2017 and April of 2018, Armenia was considered as a country with hybrid governance system, where the authoritative governance was established. This was established during the last 5-10 years after the independence of Armenia due to the reason, that the inheritance of the communist system was not elliminated. The influence serving the staffs of the previous systems shall be elliminated first»- mentioned H. Harutyunyan.

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