Protection of Rights
Without Borders NGO

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Project “Improving the quality of public administration”

Since January 1 of 2019, the Protection of Rights without Borders NGO with the financial support of the National Endowment for Democracy has been implementing the Project on “Improving the Quality of Public Administration”.

The Project aims at promoting judicial reforms in Armenia. Within the scope of the Project, a training on administrative justice will be organized, a trial monitoring in administrative courts will be conducted, as well as legal assistance will be provided to Armenian citizens dealing with public administration and administrative justice. At the end of the Project, the organization will compile reform package on administrative justice, which is considered a priority for Armenia’s newly government.

The main objectives of the Project are as following:

  • Ensure the protection of individual rights through the practical application of the principal of administrative decision making and making the legality principal more efficient in practice.
  • Ensure the public interest by establishing transparency in the decision-making processes of the public service, as well as constantly facilitating the control in administrative procedures.
  • Increase the democratic accountability.

The outcomes of the Project will be presented though the report elaborated in regard to the administrative justice in the country.