Protection of Rights
Without Borders NGO

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Amnesty International Annual report 2017/18

Over the past year, leaders have pushed hate, fought against rights, ignored crimes against humanity, and blithely let inequality and suffering spin out of control. This provoked mass protests, showing that while our challenges may never be greater, the will to fight back is just as strong. Amnesty International’s report, The State of the World’s Human […]

PRWB: The Case of Human Rights Defender Marina Poghosyan is in the ECHR

The case (number 12381/16) of Marina Poghosyan, the President of the “Veles” NGO submitted to the European Court of Human Rights by the “Protection of Rights without Borders” NGO (lawyer Haykuhi Harutyunyan) has been communicated. The Court has submitted the questions regarding the violation of right of the person to the RA Government. Particularly, the Court […]

Press Release Amendments to the Criminal Code: Ensuring Security or Suppressing Dissent?

 On February 23, 2018, at 1 pm, the Media Center (address: 12, Saryan St., 2nd floor) will host a discussion on Amendments to the Criminal Code: Ensuring Security or Suppressing Dissent? The draft RA Law on Making Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Republic of Armenia and the draft RA Law on Making Amendments to the Criminal Procedure […]

A case against the members of both Republican and Yerkir Tsirani Parties has been instituted

On February 23, during the sitting of the Yerevan City Council, the members of the Yerkir Tsirani party, at the request of Nubarashen administrative district’s residents, brought sewage water as a “gift” for the Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan. The surprises ended with the violence against the members of Yerkir Tsirani Party, particularly against Marine […]

Marina Poghosyan

The case (number 12381/16) of Marina Poghosyan, the President of the “Veles” NGO submitted to the European Court of Human Rights by the “Protection of Rights without Borders” NGO (lawyer Haykuhi Harutyunyan) has been communicated. The Court has submitted the questions regarding the violation of right of the person to the RA Government. Particularly, the […]

Statement On the Draft Law “On the Structure and Activities of the Government”

March 4, 2018 EaP CSF Armenian National Platform expresses its solidarity with the below provided Statement on the draft law “On the Structure and Activities of the Government” adopted by a number of journalistic organizations on March 1, 2018. “By decision of the RA National Assembly Speaker the draft law “On the Structure and Activities […]

Stop Persecution of Civic Journalists in Crimea

We, members of the OSCE-wide NGO coalition Civic Solidarity Platform (CSP) and other NGOs across Europe, express our serious concern about continued harassment and persecution of civic journalists in Crimea, including searches, detentions, administrative arrests and fabricated criminal charges. We call upon the Russian Federation and the de facto authorities in Crimea to immediately take […]

Report “WJP Rule of Law Index 2017–2018”

WASHINGTON, DC (31 January 2018) – The World Justice Project (WJP) today released the 2017-2018 WJP Rule of Law Index® which measures rule of law adherence in 113 countries worldwide based on more than 110,000 household and 3,000 expert surveys. Featuring primary data, the WJP Rule of Law Index measures countries’ rule of law performance across eight factors: Constraints on […]

Detention as a preventive measure: how to deal with the “favorite” article of the authorities

Haykuhi Harutyunyan, the President of the “Protection of Rights without Borders” NGO was the host of the radio program “Human Rights Self-Defence” Liberty radio station broadcasted on FM 106.5. For more details, follow the link to video of the broadcast.