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The Civil Society Organizations Continue to Express Their Strict Concerns Over the Delay of Andreas Ghukasyan’s Complaint Examination

The civil society organizations continue to express their strong concern and resentment on the fact of continuous political persecution against the member of “New Armenia” Opposition Movement Andreas Ghukasyan, as well as over the prolonged examination process of his case in the European Court of Human Rights and at the domestic courts.

On February 23 of 2017, the European Court of Human Rights registered the complaint-application of Andreas Ghukasyan and prioritized the examination Rules of the European Court of Human Rights, Rule 41, which means that the Courts should address questions to the RA Government on the violations within short deadlines. Nevertheless, after more than 12 months, the RA Government has not received any questions by the Court. This circumstance creates additional concerns, that postponing the questioning procedure to the RA Government can be conditioned by the influence of the Armenian advocates working in the European Court of Human Rights.

This concern is supported by the fact, that by the letter of April 9 of 2018, the Court once again demands the same documents, which had already been presented and checked during the stage of complaint submission. Particularly, the European Court of Human Rights demands to present the complaint submitted against the decision made by the Court of December 22 of 2016 in case when the complaint was attached to the complaint-application. In this way, the Court once again prolongs the deadline of the questions to be addressed to the state.

It is notable, that based on the letter received from the ECHR on April 21, the representatives of Andreas Ghukasyan have already submitted all the necessary documents, which according to the electronic system of letter deliver have been received by the Court.

Taking into consideration this circumstance, we once demand

European Court of Human Rights

  • Refrain from the delay of the case examination of Andreas Ghukasyan and demonstrate consistency and responsibility towards the examination of the cases having political implication, moreover, when a priority order for their examination has been established.

The European Union and other international organizations working with the Republic of Armenia

  • Make the demand to stop political persecutions and especially the one against Andreas Ghukasyan one of their main preconditions for the development of their relations with the Republic of Armenia.
  1. Journalist’s “Asparez”Club
  2. Open Society Foundations-Armenia
  3. Yerevan Press Club
  4. “New Generation” Humanitarian NGO
  5. “Peace Dialogue” NGO
  6. “Consumers’ Consulting Center” NGO
  7. “Biosophia” NGO
  8. “Committee to Protect Freedom of Expression” NGO
  9. “Cooperation for Democracy Center” NGO
  10. “Women’s Resource Center” NGO
  11. “Helsinki Citizens’ Assembly Vanadzor-office” NGO
  12. “Spitak Helsinki Group” NGO
  13. “Veles” NGO
  14. “Free Citizen” NGO
  15. “Public Information and Need of Knowledge” NGO
  16. “Jurnalists for Human Rights” NGO
  17. “Innocence Armenian project” NGO
  18. “Khazer” ecological and cultural NGO
  19. “Armenian Helsinki Association” NGO
  20. “Foundation against the Violation of Law” NGO
  21. Narine Gakstyan, individual
  22. “Transparency International Anti-Corruption Centre” NGO
  23. “Protection of Rights without Borders” NGO
  24. “Union of nformed citizens” NGO