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Freedom House. Armenia is in Danger of Becoming an Authoritarian Country

According to the report published by the Freedom House Human Rights Defender Organization, in the sphere of democracy, Armenia has lost its positions in comparison to the previous years and currently is in the danger of becoming an authoritarian

Unlike the previous reports, the possible prolongation of Serge Sargsyan’s government was especially highlighted in the current report. Accordingly, Armenia was classified in the list of the countries, where the main political leader acts from the backstage, which essentially exceeds the authorities granted to him by the law.

Moreover, comparing the ten years of Serzh Sargsyan’s presidency, the Organization facts, that during those years the democracy index of the country has decreased.

Like the previous years, this time too Armenia was ranked as semi-consolidated authoritarian state, which tries to conceal its authoritarianism, demonstrates limited respect towards democratic institutions and does not minimally correspond to the elections based democratic criteria.

Analyzing the developments of the previous years, the notable organization mentions, that Armenia has not recorded any progress in neither in transparent elections, justice, media freedom, nor in human rights protection spheres. On the contrary, in comparison to the previous year, the fight against corruption has worsened, moreover the assessment was given taking into consideration not only the public perception, but also the biasness interests in the highest levels of the authorities, as well as the efficiency of the anticorruption mechanisms.