Protection of Rights
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EU contributes to awareness-raising of EU standards of human rights and European court of justice in Armenia

27 March 2013,

“Protection of Rights without Borders” NGO initiated a new project “Empowering Armenian Judiciary through Studying EU law”, funded by the European Union to promote the implementation of EU human rights standards in Armenia. The main aim of the project was to raise awareness of European Union Law and European Court of Justice among Armenians. According to the head of the project, Siranush Sahakyan, although the values and standards of the European Union are being discussed every day, even the relevant specialists do not have a clear understanding of these standards and often fail to effectively implement them.

The knowledge of the human rights will enable our citizens to better protect their rights. Within the framework of the project, a series of debates will be held with participation of specialists in EU –Armenia integration process. A line of workshops will be organized for judges, prosecutors, attorneys, defenders and lecturers in Law on the European Union, EU Law, EU Court of Justice and its case law. PRWB will also deliver short-term and long-term courses on EU Law in different HEIs of Armenia.

Moot court competition is another component of the project. The winning team will make a study visit to the European Court of Justice n Luxembourg.

In general, the project aims to support the integration of EU standards in Armenia and improve the RA legislation.


EU contributes to awareness-raising of EU standards of human rights and European court of justice in Armenia